Wellbeing Resources

Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition

Our local website, with trainings and other information. While it’s housed in Midland, the work isn’t limited by geography.

PERMAH Community Survey

A free individual survey tool that also includes goal setting and tools for people to try.

Action for Happiness

A comprehensive website out of the UK, with numerous great resources, videos, etc.

Greater Good Science Center

A comprehensive website out of UCBerkley. Great resources, a magazine, tools, and an education section.

VIA Character

Free character strengths test, and many other resources as well.

Michelle Mcquaid

A comprehensive website with a multitude of articles, podcasts, online classes and more.

Strategies to Thrive

A series of videos from the Master in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) Alumni Association

Positive Psychology Center

Home of the original center for positive psychology (Martin Seligman)


An app from CMH with goal setting and tools for people to try.  (Access varies by county in Michigan)

Verywell Mind

Mental Health Information

The ROCK Center for Youth Development

Local organization that focuses on wellbeing; able to go anywhere (with funding)

BluWave Wellbeing

Working with organizations to make wellbeing achievable and playfully simple.

Character Lab

Angela Duckworth’s education work.


Internal Positive Psychology Association